
$99 Per Tax Period

AED3,150 Per Report Incl. VAT

Start from AED 3,000 Per Month Incl. VAT

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desined to provide business advice to assist owners, shareholders and managers in making sound business decisions, thus meeting their objectives. In addition, we ensure that a company’s internal controls, processes, guidelines and policies are adequate, effective and in compliance with governmental requirements, industry standards and company policies. All our audits begin with a full assessment and understanding of the client business and operations. This allows us to provide constructive suggestions for improving business strategies, management information and controls. Our examinations are based on statutory requirements and local auditing practices, and our procedures comply with the international standards on auditing.
Accounting Expert

Accounting Expert Report

An engagement to perform agreed-upon procedures (AUP) may involve an auditor in performing certain procedures of an audit nature concerning individual items of financial data, a financial statement or even a complete set of financial statements, which the auditor, the client and any appropriate third parties have agreed upon, and in reporting factual findings. We conduct AUP engagements in accordance with the “Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants” issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and with the individual specific terms that have been agreed upon in such engagements.
Internal Audit

Internal Audit

serves the efficiency of businesses as it offers, among other things: - Sound advice on operations, performance and internal controls - An assessment of whether the procedures adopted comply with the envisioned policies - An assessment of whether best practices are being implemented throughout the organization An in-house internal audit department can be costly. Therefore, outsourcing a company internal needs may be a feasible option. Accordingly, outsourcing of such a service means that the client will only pay for the productive hours given by our internal audit team, thus saving time, training, equipment, tools and office space while at the same time getting the benefit of the service.